Pink Lake Country Club
  • Pink-Lake-Country-Club_1.jpg
    • Par 72
    • 18 holes

Pink Lake Country Club

Pink Lake Golf Course in Esperance, Western Australia, is a golfing haven that seamlessly blends the thrill of the game with the breathtaking beauty of its surroundings. Nestled in the coastal town of Esperance, this 18-hole course offers golfers a unique experience against the backdrop of the renowned Pink Lake.

The course, designed to harmonise with the natural landscape, challenges players with well-maintained fairways, strategic obstacles and panoramic views of the azure waters and rugged coastal scenery. The proximity to the naturally pink-hued lake adds a surreal touch, creating a visually stunning setting that captures the essence of Esperance's natural beauty.

The clubhouse, positioned to maximise the picturesque views, serves as a social hub where golfers can relax and enjoy local cuisine after a round. Pink Lake Golf Course actively engages the community through tournaments, events, and golf clinics, fostering a welcoming environment for golfers of all levels.

In essence, Pink Lake Golf Course offers not only a challenging round of golf but an immersive journey into the beauty of Western Australia's coastal landscape, making it a standout destination for golf enthusiasts seeking a uniquely captivating experience.

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