91 Golf Courses in WA        Cancel Search

Ravensthorpe Golf Club

18 Hole par 72 golf course, 5805 metres, sand greens Located on the South Coast Highway between Albany and Esperance

Chapman Valley Golf Club

Friendly little country golf club in the beautiful Chapman Valley. Our season runs end of April to early September, with events played Sunday arvos.

Fortescue Golf Club

A very uniquely Pilbara course located in Newman, Western Australia, purely run and maintained by its members. Each fairway is lined with white fairway markers allowing you to p...

Lake Kununurra Golf Club

Established in 1965, not long after the large food producing areas of the Ord Irrigation Scheme were opened, the golf course was developed in stages and is now of 18 holes, 6035...

Kojonup Golf Club

Picturesque 18 hole country sand green course. Men: Par 71 Slope 112 Scratch 69 Ladies: Par 72 Slope 113 Scratch 71